Saliva alcohol screening detects the presence of alcohol in saliva which is comparable to that of blood alcohol concentration. Screening is conducted using testing strips that change color according to the level of alcohol. They can be completed quickly and are cost effective. ALPHA uses Alco-Screen tests which will qualitatively measure alcohol concentration starting at 0.02% and higher. South Carolina has a legal level of 0.08% and for commercial drivers, 0.04%. There are several factors that can affect alcohol concentration such as gender, body mass, and tolerance to alcohol. The Alco-Screen tests can determine actual concentration levels. They are extremely accurate and useful to ensure public safety.
When coming in for a screening, the individual will need to have a picture ID, payment for fee, and documentation of referral information. Individuals being screened should have anything to eat or drink for 15 minutes before the test is conducted.
Saliva alcohol screening can be completed for both Department of Transportation (DOT) testing or Non-DOT testing. These are instant results that cover several hours of alcohol use. The cost of testing is $20 per test. All results are confidential and will only be released to the donor of the specimen and/or another individual indicated in writing.
No appointments are necessary for Drug Screens. Offered Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
*Pricing subject to change